Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Cavalerul (The Knight)

With this one, I made my grand literary debut. In the Creanga Highschool magazine, aka "Trimbulinzii". :-)).


Paharul cu venin
Acoperit cu miere,
O clipa dulce,
Urmata de fiere

Fantome ale trecutului
Ma-mbie sa-l beau...
Insa nu!
Vreau sa mai stau.

Cavaler, imbracat
In armura ruginita,
Tot spera sa salveze
O inima lovita...

El este, dar,
De ingeri parasit
Si, mereu,
Tot mai crunt lovit.

Sabia-i de cristal
Zace sfaramata...
Iar el tot spera
Sa mai lupte-odata.

Domnita cu ochi de inger
El vrea sa cucereasca,
Insa nu poate s-o faca
Sa-l iubeasca...

Acum, poetul e mort
Si fara de cuvinte,
E printre pomii infloriti
Din locurile sfinte.

Domnita mai traieste,
Timpul a trecut,
Si ea merge fara sa stie
Ce a pierdut.

Hope you liked it. Kinda proud of it. :-).

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Coverage of Kennedy Endorsments

A more important moment could not exist for Barack Obama's campaign for the 2008 Presidential elections. And here's why:

Monday, January 28, 2008


Or simply put... me :-D. Another poem, written in a moment of anger. Now, that I read it, I think it is hillarious And, without further ado:


Trecut, prezent, viitor
toate-n mine se aduna,
cauzand haos si furtuna,
fara glob stralucitor.

Am foc in vene
si beau 'cel venin
cu gust pelin,
ce-mi face clipele perene.

Sunt tot mai pal.
Nu mai sunt inger
luminat de Fulger.
Dar Cuvantul mi-e sabie de cristal.

Iar tu, iubito,
nu mai plange
cu lacrimi de sange
Caci nu esti singura ce am dorit-o.

Ok. I admit, this was not one of the best I have written. Especially the last rhyme... :-s.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Outcast - Roses

You gotta love this @-};-

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Loituma - Ievan Polkka

Crazy song => Big Smiles :D

Poezie Ingerului

A third one. This is the first to be dedicated to someone. A certain person with whom I fell in love. But, as always, the feeling was not mutual. That's always my case. So the hell with it.

Poezie Ingerului

Înfăsurat într-un văl de vis,
Privesc uimit către abis…
Privire întunecată,
De dragoste luminată…

Tu, înger al pământului,
Îngenuncheată în fata gândului,
Dormi…insă nu ti-a venit timpul
Să-ţi odihnesti spiritul...

De-ar fi să te trezesti acum,
Vedea-vei lumea toată-n scrum…
Ochiul ţi-ar fi înjunghiat,
De noul apus… însângerat.

Întind mâna, să te-ating,
Speriat de luminile ce se sting...

Înger de aer atins
Si de-un fior cuprins,
Te-ai dus înapoi la ale tale
Într-un nor de petale…

Si cu tine a zburat
Orice speranţă de-un răsărit curat…

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

La revedere... (Good Bye...)

I know... The title sounds a little suicidal. Just as I felt when I wrote the poem. But, for this one I got a lot more positive reviews by those in the know.

La revedere...

Unde este ingropata lumina
Acolo ma veti gasi…
Langa stramosii mei
Ma voi odihni…

Spre ei ma-ndrept
Cu pasi repezi…
De nu vii,
N-ai sa mai vezi…

Tine minte:
Invata sa iubesti,
Invata sa urasti,
Ca sa inveti sa traiesti…

You might ask why do I explain in English. It's easier for me. As you will see in the later poems.

Edit: Yup, this is the second one. posted in chronological order. or so I hope.

Monday, January 21, 2008

And so it began

With only a poem. The first poem I have ever written, back in 2002, was somewhat of a fiasco. A poetic narative... or so they called it.
This is it:

cand te-am vazut prima oara,
am crezut ca esti un inger.
ne-am inteles bine
inca de la inceput.
dar tu aveai un secret
pe care eu nu-l banuiam;
ai inceput sa ma placi
mai mult decat credeam
ca e posibil.
apoi cei care radeau de noi
si care pe mine ma stiau
inainte de a te intalni
ti-au impartasit cateva din amintirile
crezute ingropate si uitate,
din acea perioada dinaintea
schimbarilor din viata mea.
atunci m-ai alungat de langa tine.
cand mi-ai spus ca s-a terminat,
pentru mine ai murit;
si, totusi, inca traiai in sufletul meu,
caci iti impartaseam sentimentele.
am cautat compania Cunoscatorilor,
atotstiutori in intelepciunea lor.
insa sfatul lor nu prea mi-a fost de ajutor;
atunci singurul meu sfetnic mi-a ramas singuratatea…
nu mare mi-a fost surpriza cand, dupa o vreme,
te-ai intors la mine, cerandu-ti iertare.
am refuzat orice explicatie,
am vrut sa treci prin acelasi chin
prin care eu trecusem.
insa nu puteam sa fac asta,
erai prea importanta pentru mine.
te-am iertat si vei ramane
o frumoasa amintire…

Comments allowed. I don't expect positive reviews. it is, from my POV, one of the worst poems I have ever written.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Aren't I a Genius? (IQ 147)

Take this test!

People who are Creative Theorists are highly intelligent, complex people. They are able to process information of nearly every kind with ease, using both creativity and analysis to make sense of the world. Compared to others they also have very rich imaginations.

Of, si cata dreptate au oamenii astia

Sarmalele reci - Tara te vrea PROST!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

A little bit about my dream job :)

Take this test!

Unlike some people, your dream job doesn't involve lying on the beach somewhere or being paid to take naps. No, you love to get things done and get them done right (or at least, your way). That's why your dream job is to be president! Can't you just picture it? Being in charge and making the really important decisions? Changing the world each and every day? And forget about flying coach — you've got Air Force One. We bet that sounds like heaven for a driven go-getter like you.

Of course you don't have to come in first at the polls to succeed. As long as you remember to keep asking questions and demanding change, your vision can still help make the world a better place.