Saturday, December 20, 2008

Fun Christmas Carols

It is Christmas time! sorta... Time for something Fun:

Friday, December 19, 2008

Update (II)

It is almost half a month since the campaign ended. I think I owe you another update.
WE WON!!! Here you have a picture from the night of the election.

Actually it is a half a win, but it is a necessary evil.
If you are a politics-hungry nut, what do you think of the current left wing-right wing coalition?

Friday, October 10, 2008

A little update

I know, I know, I haven't posted anything in a while, but I've been busy :-).
So, here are some of the things I've been doing:

- I entered the Conflict Analysis and Resolution Master's Programme at the International Relations Department.

- I started my Russian lessons (I feel like being back in 1st Grade, with the Russian alphabet).

- I have signed up with the Student Organization of the Democratic-Liberal Party and I will be working on the parliamentary campaign for Vasile Blaga and Elena Udrea. (Cristina, don't kill me. I know I promised to steer clear of the internal politics and political affiliations, but this is a move I had to make Now.)

- I've been looking for a publisher crazy enough to publish my Licence Paper (a.k.a. The Evolution of the Arab-Israeli Peace Process). If you know one, pls write it in the comments section.

Well. That's about it. Good luck to each and every one of you.

PS: If you were expecting a poem, I started several, but haven't finished one in a couple of months now. Help!

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Annotation - Aniboom

A Jester sings to the dead King. I think I am gonna use this to further the plot of the "Knight" series >:-).

it is a true pleasure to present this to you. so enjoy!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Olympic song "Beijing Welcomes You" (subbed)

I know, the Olympics are already over, but this is one video related to this edition of the Olympics that I really like. Hope you will too.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Within Temptation - Angels

One of the better songs I have heard in a while. Talk about one who should be a saviour turn out to be a devil.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Maraton de dat mana pentru pace in Georgia

Maraton de dat mana pentru pace in Georgia

Organizatiile societatii civile romanesti te cheama miercuri, 13 august 2008, de la orele 18.45 la un maraton de dat mana. Ne vom intalni in doua grupuri – unul pe Sos. P. Kiseleff in fata Muzeului Taranului Roman si altul la Arcul de Triumf - si vom merge unii spre ceilalti pana la Ambasada Rusiei la Bucuresti (sos. P. Kiseleff nr. 6). Acolo ne vom da mana unii cu altii si vom aprinde lumanari in memoria victimelor din Georgia cerand incetarea confruntarilor armate din aceasta tara.

Vino impreuna cu prietenii tai pentru a arata lumii cum se mediaza conflictele si a-i indemna pe actorii internationali sa faca la fel! Alatura-te acestui gest de solidaritate pentru victimele conflictului din Georgia, vino sa dai mana cu un om oarecare!

La maratonul de dat mana se va vorbi doar in soapta. La acest eveniment se vor auzi si cele mai firave voci, nu doar opiniile celor mai puternici dintre noi.
Participantii la maraton nu isi pot aduce cu ei decat alte instrumente folositoare in timpul negocierii: pixuri si coli de scris, bunavointa si deschidere catre a asculta si opinia celorlalti, toleranta si respect fata de partenerii de dat mana.

Mai multe info la sau

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Personality Disorder Test Results

Hahaha. And you thought I was normal... Wrong. Everyone is a wee bit deranged. And here is where I stand.

Personality Disorder Test Results
Paranoid |||||||||||| 46%
Schizoid |||||||||||||||| 70%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||| 78%
Antisocial |||||||||||||| 54%
Borderline |||||||||||||||| 62%
Histrionic |||||||||| 38%
Narcissistic |||||||||||||||| 66%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||| 62%
Dependent |||||||||| 38%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||| 30%
Take Free Personality Disorder Test
personality tests by

Focul marii

OK, here I am back with something new for a change. I have set my pen down for a bit to promote someone else :-D. Without further ado, I introduce to you Miss Andreea Nituica.

Focul marii

Bucati de soare aruncate-n mare
Palesc in apa arsa in culoare,
Cenusa lacrimilor izvorate ca-n mormant
Trupul este de pamant.

Raze crescute din mare,
Dar ceata le face amare.
Nu storci viata din pustiu,
Lacrimat esti cenusiu.

Lumina este mult prea cruda,
Printre lacrimi sa patrunda.


PS: you can find her at this page: and on the messenger, with her name as the ID.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Gene & Frank ... good times

These could be the best songs of that day and age. They have something that makes them irresistible.

Gene Kelly - Singing in the Rain

Frank Sinatra - My Way

With these, I bid you farewell... for a short while, until I have a new poem or a song/video to share.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Where the Wild Roses Grow

Ah... Now this is what I call good music. Nick Cave, the Bad Seeds and Kylie Minogue.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Thousand Candles...

I know, it has been a while since I posted anything that made any sense, but cut me some slack. I have been working on my thesis and trying to finish my undergrad studies.
Without further ado, here you go, a fresh poem.

Thousand candles...

Thousands of candles did burn
And here I am, still waiting your return.
Oh, I remember how you were:
A warrior, a gentleman, a poet, a dreamer…
And that which you used to love:
Beauty, the red rose and a little white dove.
Treachery made you see all this in flames…
Mistrust and doubt should be blamed.
Storms may come, but they’ll pass by,
You must, for my sake, your fate defy…
Over were all the battles,
Yet you can’t shake the sound of bone rattles.
Lay your soul to rest, my king,
And watch what beauties peace may bring…

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tribute to a friend - I'm so excited

This is sort of a tribute to a dear friend, a very talented and hard-working girl. She was the inspiration for one of the first poems. Let's just say she is closer to my heart than most.


Saturday, May 24, 2008

How to win any argument :-))

Ok, long time no see... Just something I came across on the net.

How To Win Any Argument

Thursday, May 1, 2008

This is who I am...

Everyone knows I act "differently" in social circumstances. I am, from what I heard from people I know, a weird person. That's what they see me like. Not that I mind it, but it tends to get a little lonely.

About 7 months ago, I met a person with a kid who had Asperger's Syndrome. Our discussion made me want to research this issue a little further. And everything I found out about it fits like a glove. And why would I be embarrassed by who I am.

This guy, although a little younger than me, explains it in simple terms:

Maybe this will help you understand me a little better.

PS: I don't want special treatment, all I want is for you to understand who I am.
PPS: His case does not apply entirely to me.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Deadly Sins...

There are 7 of them. And here they are, for your own enjoyment:








Note: None of the pictures are mine. The copyrights belong to the owners/creators of the pictures. If you wish to copy/save them on your computer, feel free to do so.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Turn to God

Think it might be a good time to post another poem.

Turn to God

Satan mocks: “God must fall.”
God whispers: “Stand just tall.”
Devils shout: “We must rule.”
Angels sigh: “Don’t be fools.”

Human with heart sincere
Clouds invade your mind.
As the Judgment draws near,
There are answers we must find.

Gone are the days
Of ancient past.
But, alas,
Eden was not ment to last…

All you see
Is suffering and pain,
Death and famine,
Battles without gain…

Now lay down your sword,
In front of God kneel.
You’d be amazed how many
A prayer would heal.

In the end,
I wish you peace,
And remember,
Wars do cease...

Hallelujah & Shine

Should I say what I like in this world, few things come to mind. But these are two of them. Listen to the lyrics, they say it all :-).

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Raven - Edgar A. Poe

Came across this poem and video. The Raven by Edgar A. Poe.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Am I a Fool? Yes, I am...

Just took a test. More for the fun of it, not that I believe it. But the result says it all. And I am proud of it

Which Major Arcana Tarot Card Are You?
0 - The Fool

The Fool is the most complex and most contradictory of all the Tarot cards. "I am not a number, I am a free man". The Fool represents naivety and childlike innocence - yet the Fool is wise. He carries only what possessions he really needs. He journeys through life, tasting everything it has to offer then letting it go and moving on. The Fool is a risk taker, often shown with one foot over a cliff showing us every new beginning has a risk. Whether the Fool represents opportunity or danger one thing is clear: this world needs more fools.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

In dust...

My longest poem yet. This is one of the older poems, fresh out of the archives. Enjoy :-)

In dust...

In dust,
I once lay torn.
Like a phoenix,
From the ashes I’m reborn…

Vision of royalty,
Of a damned queen,
All clad in black garments
Unlike any I’ve ever seen.

Her guise
Angels could ensnare,
Her stride,
As though walking on air.

She, from thousands of men,
Selected just one knight,
To be made keeper
At the gates of the night.

That knight
Was I.
A simple gaze
And I could not die.

A cold touch,
A poisonous kiss,
A moment of pain,
Of pure bliss…

Soft whispers
Of an unknown spell,
Release old demons
From their bonds in hell.

Eons have passed
Since that day,
A thousand years more
Still to pay.

Her heart, just as mine,
Slowly, turned rusty and old.
Our souls
Were shattered and cold.

Until that faithful day,
When the one with an angel’s face
Granted me mercy
And took me into her grace.

She might know,
Or still be unaware…
Noble such a heart
Has long since become rare.

A human by sight,
A goddess by name.
Victory returned my soul
A blazing flame.

When the Dark Queen
Got word of me not at her side,
She damned me to hell.
Out of her grace, I soon died.

Innocent child,
Righteous empress,
Fierce warrior,
Blessed goddess,

I did not know
My angel could be.
A warm touch
And I was once again free.

Death dealt
Scores of scars,
Now healed
By Heaven’s golden stars.

In dust,
I once lay torn.
Like a phoenix,
From the ashes I’m reborn.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Blind love...

A sweet story. I didn't write it, I only translated it in English. Thought you might like it as well.

Once upon a time, there was a blind girl... For fear of rejection, she isolated herself from everything and everyone. She didn't want anyone's company, save for her boyfriend.
One day she said: "All I want is to see the world around me!"
"Would you marry me?" the boy replied...
"I cannot marry. Not when I cannot see." was her response...
After a while, she recieved a pair of eyes. An anonymous donation. She could finally see. And one thing she saw was that her boyfriend was blind as well.
Upon seeing this, she said: "I cannot marry a blind man".., She turned to leave.
Before the sound of her footsteps died out, the boy whispered: "Take care of my eyes... please..."

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Rusted blade...

Back again, with a new one. Oh, and one more thing before I sign off. More or less all the pictures are from DeviantART.

Rusted blade...

Rusted blade
And bloody armor,
My only friends
Under an old oak’s shade…

Full moon rise…
Come nightmares,
Come dreams…
As all sound dies,

Clouds gather on the sky…
The fire dies out,
Darkness embraces all…
Morpheus draws nigh…

Sights of corpses rotten,
Of battles fought
Throughout time,
Have not been forgotten…

Crows and ravens
Circle ‘bove me…
As Baal approaches
There’re no havens…

Blessed be the light,
That shines in darkness…
Blessed be the angel,
That takes away my fright…

Monday, April 7, 2008

Skillet - Whispers in the dark

I think it is about time to turn the page. As for the poems, one (special) person already has the latest one, which will be posted tomorrow. Now back to the video. Watch and listen. Carefully. You might understand the choice a little better.


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Meat Loaf - I would do anything for love

Talk about beauty and the beast. This is one of the best songs that I know.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Nightwish - While your lips are still red

Let there be night... for then is the time for a true rose to bloom.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Knight (II)

I have lost track of the order in which they were written. Another one from the dust bin. Although, I think that there are some that were lost in the move.

The Knight (II)

All feelings have been forgotten,
All, but fear and pain.
With those that lost their tears,
He entered a battle without gain.

A heart, impenetrable fortress,
This battle he had to win,
But fear of love
Killed all within.

Once loved,
Now with the fallen he's sleeping,
But he's learned
That love is not worth weeping.

Lost was the battle
And so was his heart.
Lost will be the battles
In which he'll take part.

He's now forever lost.
Once an angel's knight,
Now the gatekeeper
At the entrance of night.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Warning... Read and avoid as best as possible

Here's to your health.

ATOMIC MASS: Accepted as 118 lbs., but known to vary from 75 to 550 lbs.
OCCURRENCE: Copious quantities throughout the world
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: 1. Surface usually covered with a painted film. 2. Boils at nothing, freezes without reason. 3. Melts if given special treatment. 4. Bitter if incorrectly used. 5. Found in various states ranging from virgin metal to common ore. 6. Yields to pressure applied to correct points.
CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: 1. Has a great affinity for gold, silver, platinum, and precious stones. 2. Absorbs great quantities of expensive substances. 3. May explode spontaneously without prior warning, and for no known reason. 4. Insoluble in liquids, but activity greatly increased by saturation in alcohol. 5. Most powerful money-reducing agent known to man.
COMMON USES: 1. Highly ornamental, especially in sports cars. 2. Can be a great aid to relaxation. 3. Very effective cleaning agent.
TESTS: 1. Pure specimen turns rosy pink when discovered in natural state. 2. Turns green when placed beside a better specimen.
HAZARDS: 1. Highly dangerous except in experienced hands. 2. Illegal to possess more than one, although several can be maintained at different locations as long as specimens do not come into direct contact with each other.

DISCOVERER: Eve. Discovered by accident one day when she had a craving for ribs.
ATOMIC MASS: Accepted as 170 lbs, known to vary from 98 to 360 lbs.
OCCURRENCE: Large quantities in all populated areas. Highly concentrated deposits at all sporting events and areas known as "singles bars". Extremely low quantities can be found in any location where cleaning up is required.
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: 1. Surface often covered with hair--bristly in some areas, soft in others. 2. Boils when inconvenienced, freezes when faced with Logic and Common Sense. 3. Melts if treated like a God. 4. Can cause headaches and severe body aches; handle with extreme caution. 5. Specimens can be found in various states ranging from deeply sensitive to extremely thick. 6. Becomes stubborn and unyielding when pressure is applied; yields only when subtlety, subterfuge, flattery are applied.
CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: 1. Is repelled by concentrated quantities of precious and semi-precious metals and stones (See Jewelery Store). However, is attracted to quantities of these when viewed worn against the skin of a woman. It is believed woman's skin combines with the aforementioned to create a highly magnetic attraction for this element. 2. May explode spontaneously if wallet is opened. 3. Requires copious quantities of substances known as attention, reassurance, and stroking. 4. When saturated with Alcohol will be fairly inert and will repel most other elements. 5. Is repelled by most household appliances and common household cleansers. 6. Is repelled by small children clothed in diapers, particularly those of the malodorous variety. 7. Is rendered non-functional when confronted with the items in #5 & #6. 8. Is neutral to common courtesy and fairness. 9. Is impervious to embarrassment. 10. Most powerful embittering and aggravating agent known to woman.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Of Dreams and Roses

Just another one recovered from the dust bin. It was meant for someone. But let's just say fate plays tricks even on those who control it.

Of dreams and roses

A peaceful night
Of clear sky and full moon…
Both gods and mortals
Shall dream soon…

And, so, we dream
Visions both lurid and sweet…
For, every night, we are
Trapped at Morpheus’ feet…

Visions of passion and lust…
Of a Ruby Rose…
Of a dark goddess
In whose hand Destiny froze…

Visions of purity and light…
Of a Crystal Rose…
Of a fair angel
At whose caress Destiny flows…

Although roses may wither,
The beauty of an angel fades not,
For an angel such as you
Is not easily forgot…

And, in the end,
Our Destiny lies, still,
At the tip
Of the Poet’s quill…

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Slaying... me

This is NOT my work. For those who care, it is Nightwish. The song is Slaying the Dreamer. And it could't be more appropriated for the moment I am going through. If you are reading this, know that I am not yet dead.

Nightwish - Slaying The Dreamer

I'm a priest for the poorest sacrifice
I'm but a raft in a sea of sorrow and greed
You bathed in my wine
Drank from my cup, mocked my rhyme
Your slit tongues licked my aching wounds

Put a stake through my heart!
And drag me into sunlight
So awake for your greed
As you're slaying the dreamer

Swansong for the Wish of Night
God it hurts, give a name to the pain
Our primrose path to hell is growing weed

Put a stake through my heart!
And drag me into sunlight
So awake for your greed
As you're slaying the dreamer

Blame me, it's me
Coward, a good-for-nothing scapegoat
Dumb kid, living a dream
Romantic only on paper

Tell me why you took all that was mine!
Stay as you lay - don't lead me astray!

Wake up, mow the weed
You'd be nothing without me
Take my life if you have the heart to die

You bastards tainted my tool
Raped my words, played me a fool
Gather your precious glitter and leave me be
The Great Ones are all dead
And I'm tired, too

I truly hate you all!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Impossible Dream

The Knight, both in character and spirit, was inspired by this particular song. Talk about creedos.

Peter O'Toole - The Impossible Dream

Gypsies, tramps and thieves

One of the few songs with a good story to tell. You don't see too many of them.

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Traveller

The beginning of the story. Enjoy.

The Traveller

Weary traveller,
Take of your cloak,
There’s no hiding
When there’s fog or smoke.

In hand, an ale,
To put some red in your face’s pale,
To take the chill from your ghostly heart,
Before you once more depart.

Lay your bones to rest
While the host will do his best.
For, at this inn,
Story telling will soon begin.

Stories of darkness and light,
Stories both sinister and bright,
Stories of love and hate,
Of a knight’s chosen fate…

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Gentlemen's duel

All I can hope is that any gentlemen's duel in which I will be involved (sooner or later) will not turn out as this one. Enjoy.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Crows and ravens

I just figured something out. My poems tend to have a dual nature, similar to my own. So, if there is any chance to understanding me, first try and understand them. Enjoy.

Crows and ravens...

Crows and ravens
Out of the sky are falling,
Eager to heed
Their master’s calling.

Swans and doves,
Both eternal and white,
Must shield
The lovers’ hearts tonight…

Snakes twine and hiss,
Their venom taints all streams…
Clear drops are no longer enough
For one’s potion of dreams…

Flickers of thought,
Drops of perfume,
Vision of love,
Roses in bloom…

Scorching sea,
Beads of sweat,
Signs of strife,
Ancient threat…

Mortal souls
Have lost their power…
Olden spirits
Feast and devour…

Saturday, March 15, 2008


I think it's about time for another one. This would be one of the dark(er) poems.


Skies of fire,
Rain of blood and ash…
Those damned shed
Tears that slash.

Eons have passed…
At the gates of Hell
A cursed keeper
Has to dwell…

Battered and scarred,
Deformed by pain,
He cannot escape
Belzebuth’s reign…

Ages clear,
Now, a poisoned heart,
He was sent
To set saints and sinners apart…

To test and trial
All those on earth…
For many are doomed
Since their very birth.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Hmmm. A lot of vids lately, right? Coming soon with an "old new" poem. Promise.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Rod Stewart - Motown Song

Ya gotta love this song. It's been a little to long since I last heard it.

Rod Stewart - Motown Song

Add to My Profile | More Videos

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Lovers' dreams

Think you are going to like this one.

Lovers’ dreams

Night shares a lot of dreams
To those struck by moon’s shiny beams.
Dreams of love,
Brought by a small white dove.
Dreams of the great red rose,
In front of which time froze.
Dreams of raging fire,
Of a lover’s burning desire.
Lovers afar
Are brought together by the wish upon a star.
Dreamers walk through the hall of time,
Until the dawn’s first chime.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Lost game

The poem says everything. Enjoy.

Lost game

As darkness creeps over the light
I am left without sight.
Surrounded by creatures of great fright
For love I used to fight.

I have tried in vain,
I think you feel the same.
We both lost this game
And we’re left in the cold rain.

Sapphire eyes
Have all but lost their disguise,
Broken hearts are their prize.
In love hope still lies.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Think about it

Interesting position.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Storm

As promised. With this I start the Enlish poems. Enjoy.

The Storm

As the lightning strikes
And the thunder rolls,
The sound of clashing swords
Can be heard.
It is the sound of battle
Between Good and Evil.

The man of glass
Breaks at the touch of words.
Only an angel
Can put the pieces back.

Love is lightning…
Just a flash
And it is gone.
It can break
A man of ice.

Should love prevail?
Or will hate
Win the battle?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Sulfete de gheaţă

And another one. I think this was the last in Romanian. So, from now on, English poems only :-).

Suflete de gheata,
Frumos ca un trandafir,
Treci prin viata
Tinandu-te de-un fir.

Iti daruiesc dragostea,
A sentimentelor armura,
Ce straluceste ca o stea,
Sa te apere de ura.

Cuvintele pure,
De pe ale tale buze,
Devin diamante dure,
Ale mele muze.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Hai, ca dau in mintea... lor

a Japonezilor... haha. Enjoy:

Arashi - Sakura Sake

SMAP - Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana

Shamisen vs Shamisen :D

More to come... soon.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Cavalerul (The Knight)

With this one, I made my grand literary debut. In the Creanga Highschool magazine, aka "Trimbulinzii". :-)).


Paharul cu venin
Acoperit cu miere,
O clipa dulce,
Urmata de fiere

Fantome ale trecutului
Ma-mbie sa-l beau...
Insa nu!
Vreau sa mai stau.

Cavaler, imbracat
In armura ruginita,
Tot spera sa salveze
O inima lovita...

El este, dar,
De ingeri parasit
Si, mereu,
Tot mai crunt lovit.

Sabia-i de cristal
Zace sfaramata...
Iar el tot spera
Sa mai lupte-odata.

Domnita cu ochi de inger
El vrea sa cucereasca,
Insa nu poate s-o faca
Sa-l iubeasca...

Acum, poetul e mort
Si fara de cuvinte,
E printre pomii infloriti
Din locurile sfinte.

Domnita mai traieste,
Timpul a trecut,
Si ea merge fara sa stie
Ce a pierdut.

Hope you liked it. Kinda proud of it. :-).

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Coverage of Kennedy Endorsments

A more important moment could not exist for Barack Obama's campaign for the 2008 Presidential elections. And here's why:

Monday, January 28, 2008


Or simply put... me :-D. Another poem, written in a moment of anger. Now, that I read it, I think it is hillarious And, without further ado:


Trecut, prezent, viitor
toate-n mine se aduna,
cauzand haos si furtuna,
fara glob stralucitor.

Am foc in vene
si beau 'cel venin
cu gust pelin,
ce-mi face clipele perene.

Sunt tot mai pal.
Nu mai sunt inger
luminat de Fulger.
Dar Cuvantul mi-e sabie de cristal.

Iar tu, iubito,
nu mai plange
cu lacrimi de sange
Caci nu esti singura ce am dorit-o.

Ok. I admit, this was not one of the best I have written. Especially the last rhyme... :-s.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Outcast - Roses

You gotta love this @-};-

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Loituma - Ievan Polkka

Crazy song => Big Smiles :D

Poezie Ingerului

A third one. This is the first to be dedicated to someone. A certain person with whom I fell in love. But, as always, the feeling was not mutual. That's always my case. So the hell with it.

Poezie Ingerului

Înfăsurat într-un văl de vis,
Privesc uimit către abis…
Privire întunecată,
De dragoste luminată…

Tu, înger al pământului,
Îngenuncheată în fata gândului,
Dormi…insă nu ti-a venit timpul
Să-ţi odihnesti spiritul...

De-ar fi să te trezesti acum,
Vedea-vei lumea toată-n scrum…
Ochiul ţi-ar fi înjunghiat,
De noul apus… însângerat.

Întind mâna, să te-ating,
Speriat de luminile ce se sting...

Înger de aer atins
Si de-un fior cuprins,
Te-ai dus înapoi la ale tale
Într-un nor de petale…

Si cu tine a zburat
Orice speranţă de-un răsărit curat…

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

La revedere... (Good Bye...)

I know... The title sounds a little suicidal. Just as I felt when I wrote the poem. But, for this one I got a lot more positive reviews by those in the know.

La revedere...

Unde este ingropata lumina
Acolo ma veti gasi…
Langa stramosii mei
Ma voi odihni…

Spre ei ma-ndrept
Cu pasi repezi…
De nu vii,
N-ai sa mai vezi…

Tine minte:
Invata sa iubesti,
Invata sa urasti,
Ca sa inveti sa traiesti…

You might ask why do I explain in English. It's easier for me. As you will see in the later poems.

Edit: Yup, this is the second one. posted in chronological order. or so I hope.

Monday, January 21, 2008

And so it began

With only a poem. The first poem I have ever written, back in 2002, was somewhat of a fiasco. A poetic narative... or so they called it.
This is it:

cand te-am vazut prima oara,
am crezut ca esti un inger.
ne-am inteles bine
inca de la inceput.
dar tu aveai un secret
pe care eu nu-l banuiam;
ai inceput sa ma placi
mai mult decat credeam
ca e posibil.
apoi cei care radeau de noi
si care pe mine ma stiau
inainte de a te intalni
ti-au impartasit cateva din amintirile
crezute ingropate si uitate,
din acea perioada dinaintea
schimbarilor din viata mea.
atunci m-ai alungat de langa tine.
cand mi-ai spus ca s-a terminat,
pentru mine ai murit;
si, totusi, inca traiai in sufletul meu,
caci iti impartaseam sentimentele.
am cautat compania Cunoscatorilor,
atotstiutori in intelepciunea lor.
insa sfatul lor nu prea mi-a fost de ajutor;
atunci singurul meu sfetnic mi-a ramas singuratatea…
nu mare mi-a fost surpriza cand, dupa o vreme,
te-ai intors la mine, cerandu-ti iertare.
am refuzat orice explicatie,
am vrut sa treci prin acelasi chin
prin care eu trecusem.
insa nu puteam sa fac asta,
erai prea importanta pentru mine.
te-am iertat si vei ramane
o frumoasa amintire…

Comments allowed. I don't expect positive reviews. it is, from my POV, one of the worst poems I have ever written.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Aren't I a Genius? (IQ 147)

Take this test!

People who are Creative Theorists are highly intelligent, complex people. They are able to process information of nearly every kind with ease, using both creativity and analysis to make sense of the world. Compared to others they also have very rich imaginations.

Of, si cata dreptate au oamenii astia

Sarmalele reci - Tara te vrea PROST!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

A little bit about my dream job :)

Take this test!

Unlike some people, your dream job doesn't involve lying on the beach somewhere or being paid to take naps. No, you love to get things done and get them done right (or at least, your way). That's why your dream job is to be president! Can't you just picture it? Being in charge and making the really important decisions? Changing the world each and every day? And forget about flying coach — you've got Air Force One. We bet that sounds like heaven for a driven go-getter like you.

Of course you don't have to come in first at the polls to succeed. As long as you remember to keep asking questions and demanding change, your vision can still help make the world a better place.