Monday, July 19, 2010

Fuck You!!!

I quit! I quit giving a flying fuck about you! I quit trying to be the nice guy! The one who cares about those around him. About his so called "friends" and about his so called "family". I don't have either. Both are different sides of what you might call "relationship". And I was supposed to be the Aspergerian one. So FUCK YOU!
You know, a "relationship" means its members need to take part in the interaction. All of its members need initiate it at some point.
Except for a few, I am the only one who calls. be it my "friends", be it my "family". Apparently, if I give a crap about either, I am seen as the weak one. Know what, I don't exist only when you need me to. My "friends" call me only if they need something, my "family" only call to brag. Well, congratz and fuck off!
So, let me reitterate it: FUCK YOU!

1 comment:

Victoria Baltag said...

Draga Toma, Cuvintele astea dure iti innegresc sufletul! Fii tu insuti, cu zambetul pe buze, bun si vesel, asa cum mi te amintesc eu de cate ori ma gandesc la tine. Stii ca e imposibil sa te placa toata lumea....asa ca....trebuie sa-i intelegi..... te pup