Friday, May 7, 2010

A letter to my unknown lover

Hello, my dear.
It has been a while. Dunno why I am so reluctant to write this letter. Maybe because I know you might reject it, without even reading the first word. Or maybe I am just a little bit paranoid.

I wish I could curse the day I started to be conscious of my feelings. No one taught me where the limit should be. If I feel something for someone, be it love or hate, I tend to give it all to that particular feeling. I am a friggin decalibrated Libra - there is no middle way with me. No compromise...

Do I like you? The answer is, still, yes. Do you like me? I think so.
Do I love you? To some extent, yes. Do you love me? I honestly don't know. I certainly hope so.
Do I hate you? I might be tempted to say yes, just because you, my dear, make me see the dark side in me. But that is just bullshit. I want to be better, if not for my sake, for you.
I honestly don't wanna turn into this guy (search for Dr. Horrible for the full show, it is worth it).

The problem is, though you might be far away from me (be it in distance or in thought), you still are present in my dreams. While you may borrow more faces than one, you are still the same.

From my point of view, I will be always waiting, always hoping, always here, for you. Just as this guy.


Toma said...

Before you even comment, I know it is incomplete, but I needed to post this.

Victoria Baltag said...

Draga Toma...toate lucrurile pe jumatate netermiante sunt foarte atragatoare, asa zici tu ca e incomplet, mie mi se pare foarte complet in continut si idee. Deci...zici tu ca fata te place, insa nu stii daca te si iubeste, hihihi! pai de placut iti garantez eu ca orice fata din lumea asta te place - are si de ce: esti un baiat atat de inteligent, cu simtul umorului(pe mine ma faci sa rad mereu), educat,sensibil, cu mare potential de invingator in lumea care stie sa-i faca pe cei apropiati lui sa se simta bine! Sa stii ca te m-ai depasit din multe puncte de vedere: vorbesti engleza mai bine ca mine, desi tu esti in Romania si eu in U.K., hahha, shame on me!, stii rusa, japoneza, ai fost la free hugs anul acesta (eu le-am pierdut de data asta:(, macar pot sa zic ca am fost in echipa primordiala, hihi), stii sa te implici cu succes in o multime de eveimente (stiu asta sigur ca doar am fost colegi la multe fdintre ele), esti un prieten extraordinar si un om cu foarte multe calitati. Cu alte cuvinte dragule, fii sigur ca nu sunt singura care te place!:)
Te pup, te imbratisez cu drag si te rog sa mai scrii, ca scrii foarte bine! (poate mai invat si eu nitica engeza citindu-te,:)))))))

Victoria Baltag said...

asa...scuze pentru greseli..mereu cand scriu repede par un copil care abia
acum invata limba romana:))0

Da, videoclipurile sunt ....sinistre...hihihi, ai imaginatie..hahha, mi-au placut mai, stai linistit:)

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