Sunday, March 22, 2009

PPL important 2 me (1) - Oana

this is somewhat of a catharsis process, so bare with me. if you want more poems here.
I am a total slacker. I intend to write more often on this blog, but my nature gets te better of me. so here we go. this post is intended to be the first of many... or few... in which I want to show the important people in my "long" life so far. that, of course, not including the whole extended family.

as a privacy curtesy and protective measure, I will not disclose these persons' full name, nor their poetic aliases :-). however, I will show their photographs if I have them, if you are a good detective, you will find out anyway.

WARNING! PERSONAL INFO and potential RELATIONSHIP KILLER shown below. However, I DO NOT GIVE A MONKEY'S CRAP about it, because, if you like me the way I am, then you will like me even more after this little series I am writing.
Also, it is not intended to ruin any ongoing relationships of the persons presented in this series. If anything happens, I am sorry, it wasn't by choice.

the first person I want to talk is Oana. we go way back and she has been a good friend of yours truly, though you may call it a very rocky friendship.
she came into my life by accident, and she made her entrance with a bang. I still remember her as she was back then. though she would probably kill me, if I go into more details. that is, if she ever reads this post. basically she gave me a little hope to cling on to.
after such a big-bang of an entrance, at one of the tragic moments in my life, she dissappeared and we didn't see each other for a couple of years.
when we met again, I was one helluva messed up kid, on the verge of emo-hood - writing poetry and thinking about suicide, without the black outfit or the rock music sympathies. and, again, she was my pillar in my time of near meltdown. though she had her own problems bubbling up.
I admit, I might have been a little annoying at this point. and the result... unpleasant for the both of us. I felt hurt and pushed her away. how selfish of me, right? instead of helping her as she helped me, I turned my back on her.
I haven't heard from her until a chance encounter almost a year ago.
she walked up to me, after a long bus ride, where we caught glances of each other. we might have changed, but we were the same people. however, she recognised me first.
after we talked a little, I found out she had had a streak of bad luck. on a family level, as well as professional and financial level. though she was an artist, current situation made her quit her art and focus on the mundane.
though I have little resources, I try to help her as best I can. why? because she is one of the people that had a powerful effect on my life.


This is the first try. I will come back and improve on this series soon. However, I would appreciate any comments.

EDIT #1: I know, this post was down for a couple of days. didn't modify it... yet.

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